Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Project Post

1. I edited another picture I took this weekend. This picture was on Columbia Mountain
2. I had a problem figuring out what filters and what edits work well with others.I also had a prblem thinking of other pictures I should use for my project.
3. I messed with everything to see what edits work with others. I also just kinda guessed.
4. I made another picture using Snap-seed. I am going to make 5 or 6 pictures and then make a collage of them.
5. Before


Progress Post

1: I edited my photos and sent them to the computer. Took the whole period to do this.

2: Figuring out what edits go good with others. And Finding what my picture should be.

3: I just used a lot of stuff to see what works. I just looked and picked them.

4: I love how I can edit and O want to do it more. I am gonna try to do more.

5: Before

